The organizational structure of the Central Bank, according to the institutional role defined in the Statute, is based on three distinct levels of organizational units: Departments, Offices and Services
The Central Bank publishes an annual report containing a summary of the activities performed in the previous year as well as information on developments in the financial system
This section contains the key trend data related to the market structure, the trends in the mediated volumes, the quality of credit, assets and profitability
Interventi" is an editorial initiative of the Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino, according to its institutional role, to promote reflections on banking and financial issues.
The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino cooperates with many international organisations on economic and financial issues, with a role in support of the Government of the Republic of San Marino and as a representative of the Republic of San Marino
The Central Bank avails itself of the cooperation of other institutions of San Marino and abroad, for the development of educational activities
On 2 July 2024, CBSM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Portuguese supervisory authority for the insurance and pension funds sector (Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões ASF).
The Memorandum establishes a framework for bilateral cooperation between the two supervisory authorities and will support the integration of San Marinos insurance sector into the EU.